Going to India
12/22/2007 02:34:00 PMFrom January 30th through February 12th, 2008, I am going to be going to
This area of
As with any endeavor, missions related or not, it takes lots of prayer, planning and monies. At the end of my blog, you will find a prayer schedule that is laid out from now until the day we leave. Now, that doesn’t mean we want you to stop praying then! This schedule is just to help you to know how to pray for us before we go, but many of the topics will be very important to continue in prayer while we are gone. One of my biggest prayer needs during my preparation time, as well as when I’m gone, is my family. My wife and children will need the covering of the presence of God when I’m gone - spiritually, physically and emotionally. So, will you please make a commitment to pray for me, my family and our team during this time?
The next area that I need help with is the finances. This trip will cost each team member approximately $3000. I have had chances in my past to help out in the contributing to other people’s mission trips. I usually just want to go with them, but realize that I can’t. So instead, I have been able to give financially. I can tell you that it is a terrific blessing to help someone go and walk in obedience to the Word of God. I have helped people all around the world hear about Jesus, without actually going. So, I would ask that you would prayerfully consider a financial gift to help me in my chance to “be My witness to the ends of the earth.”
At the bottom of this letter you will find two addresses. You can send your financial support to either one. The one address is mine, and the other is the leader of the Xtreme Team, Rick Willison. Just make the checks payable to
I wanted to close with a piece of scripture from Ephesians 6:19,20. The apostle Paul says, “Pray also for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel. … Pray that I might be bold enough in Him to speak as I should.” So, would you please pray this for me and the team as we are able to be His witnesses in
Pastor Eldon Kelley Rick Willison
Northport, WA
pastor.eldon@gmail.com 765-610-6600
www.historchbearer.blogspot.com Website: www.radicallysaved.com
Luis Palau’s Next Generation Alliance website: www.ngateam.com
(Search for Rick Willison under member evangelists)
Prayer Calendar
Dec 23 - Peace for my wife as I prepare to serve.
Dec 24 - Peace for my kids as I prepare to serve.
Dec 25 - For those God is preparing to hear the Gospel Message in India.
Dec 26 - For my personal walk with Jesus to strengthen.
Dec 27 - For my strength and endurance.
Dec 28 - Brad Butcher and his family as they prepare our way.
Dec 29 - For Michael Gray as he prepares to lead the way in India.
Dec 30 - For Don Johnson as he prepares for his festival in India.
Dec 31 - For our pilots, co-pilots, flight attendants.
Jan 1 - For God to keep me on our toes to share the Gospel with all those we meet.
Jan 2 - The people on the outskirts of the cities we will be in can find a way to make it.
Jan 3 - For clarity in the message.
Jan 4 - For my personal preparation - Am I ready to give the reason for my hope?
Jan 5 - For us to be fearless as we step into the playground of the devil.
Jan 6 - For the Gospel to break through the ways of the Hindu religion.
Jan 7 - For the Pastors of Renipet.
Jan 8 - For our safety as we fly.
Jan 9 - For our safety as we are driven throughout India.
Jan 10 - For our message to reach millions of ears. (Happy B-Day T-Dawg).
Jan 11 - For all the people who are preparing for us to come.
Jan 12 - For favor with all those we deal with in India.
Jan 13 - For wisdom as we enter into the country of India.
Jan 14 - For health while I prepare to go.
Jan 15 - For health while I am in India.
Jan 16 - For safety for my family while I am in India.
Jan 17 - For everything to go well at home and the church while I am in India.
Jan 18 - For my strength to be at it's peak while I am in India.
Jan 19 - For all the team's bags, boxes, and etc. to get through customs in India.
Jan 20 - For God to protect my stomach while I am in India.
Jan 21 - For my personal finances as we prepare to be gone for 3 weeks.
Jan 22 - For blessings to be showered on us as we show the love of Jesus to India.
Jan 23 - For all our things to be safe (not stolen) while I am in India.
Jan 24 - For enough space to be comfortable as we fly (we're big guys).
Jan 25 - For our finances - that we would be thankful for all that God has given us to go.
Jan 26 - For my wife. She is preparing to be without me for 3 weeks with six kids! Bless her.
Jan 27 - For my children. They are preparing to be without me for 3 weeks.
Jan 28 - For God to remind me of what I need to bring so I don't forget anything!
Jan 29 - For God to put His hand on all my transportation and keep me safe.
Jan 30 - For boldness as I leave and travel.
Jan 31 - For the officials of India to be open to the gospel, and not persecute us as we minister.
Please don't stop praying for me, my family, our team, and the people of India!
You will leave something behind
11/28/2007 01:45:00 PMStatic Electricity
11/08/2007 10:20:00 AMSelf Medicating
10/18/2007 06:50:00 PMSlow Fires
10/13/2007 09:53:00 AMRain and life
9/28/2007 02:00:00 PMGet Ready
9/19/2007 11:01:00 PMThe Coolness of Fall
9/10/2007 09:55:00 AMBack to School!
9/03/2007 08:26:00 PMLove, true love.
8/08/2007 12:38:00 PMLove is something that is sought after by everyone. We seek love when we are infants, we seek love as adolescents. We continue to seek for love through our teens and into adulthood. Often times we do things in our quest of love that no normally sane person would do. We say, do and smell certain ways just in hoes of someone loving us. If we were more patient and took time to really meditate on the this topic, we could save ourselves a world of hurt. If we allowed our minds to be enlightened with truth, we would know that true love has been waiting there for us all along. We don't have to do anything to impress it. It just loves us for who we are. This couple have had a taste of this with each other. They have seen that true love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it doesn't boast, and it isn't proud. It's not rude, self-seeking or easily angered. Love doesn't remember wrongs. It doesn't delight in evil but is excited about truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres. And love never fails. When we put into practice these attributes of love, and love lives up to its name (which it will), our lives together will be beautiful.
I just trust that the Power of True Love will shine through this ceremony in a way that common words can't. I know that my True Love is that powerful!
Silly Kittens
7/23/2007 10:22:00 AMBlow the Packaging
7/08/2007 12:19:00 AMSweet
7/02/2007 10:35:00 PMPlay by Play
6/28/2007 10:51:00 PMDumber Than A Post
6/24/2007 07:06:00 PM
Anyone ever said to you, 'you are dumber than a post.' Of course, we haven't said that our self. You know what, I think posts aren't all that dumb. Think about it, whether it is a light post, fence post or sign post they aren't that dumb. They have been given a task to do, and they do it. Very well I might add. They don't strive to be something they aren't. They don't push and shove and put each other down just so they can look good. No, they do the job they have been given to do. They don't want to be something else and they don't whine because they aren't doing something important. They do the job they were made to do. Yeah, it may not be a glamorous job, but I'm glad they do it. I'm glad that dumb old post is holding up the stop sign when my family is driving up to an intersection. I'm glad that the light post is doing the mundane of holding a light so that I can see better in the dark. And my daughter is glad that the fence post that helps hold back her horse, didn't take off to do a job where more people would notice it. I find it amazing how we can learn so much from a dumb post.
Strength in Highs and Lows
6/19/2007 11:56:00 PMDad's Sweater
6/17/2007 10:42:00 PMToday is Father's Day. Of course, I'm writing this at 10:45pm, so most of you won't read this till after the day is over. But that's ok. The truth that lies here is still that, truth.
My dad used to wear this funky sweater that was blue with gold wavy stripes on it. He would wear it around the house when he was relaxing. It was kinda like having Mr. Rogers living in the house with you. I remember that sweater well. The feel of it. The look of it. And even the smell of it. It made an impression on me. I can still see dad wearing his sweater, drinking his coffee, and doing the crossword puzzle while sitting in his recliner. This sweater was a part of my dad.
This winter, as my mom was moving from her house to an apartment, I was over collecting my stuff that I had left there...for 15 years. When I was there, she asked me if I wanted that old sweater. Of course! I put that sweater on and was immediately overwhelmed by the flood of memories. Touch. Feel. Smell. I wear this sweater often around my house now. I think I look silly, but my wife and kids say I look great. My kids love it when I wear it. They say that when I hug them, it smells like me. Wow. It smells like me. I hope that's good. They say that I smell good. And they like the feel of it too. I get to tell them about the history of this great sweater. About the amazing man that used to wear it. To me, I can still smell my dad. To my kids, they smell their dad.
You know, I hope that as my kids hug me, they can smell even a greater aroma. I hope that the texture they feel is more wonderful than any piece of clothing I can wear. I pray that they smell God on me. That they can feel the presence of God around me. As I spend time around Him, I want to start to smell like Him. Feel like Him. Even look like Him. I want to be wrapped in His sweater. That way, when my kids see that 'sweater', I can tell them about the amazing God that gave it to me and what He is like.
Outta the Comfort Zone
5/30/2007 11:12:00 PMListen to Warnings
5/22/2007 01:33:00 PMIt amazes me how God loves us enough to even warn us to watch out for sin. We just have to listen and respond in the right manner to His warnings. Here God is warning Cain that sin will overtake him. Cain will kill Abel. God warns him, tells him to respond correctly, and tells Cain that he must subdue it. Cain must come to God with a right heart. Cain must gain self-control. We know the story goes on and Cain doesn't respond to God correctly. Today, listen to the voice of God. Listen when He warns you about the next step you are taking. Then, respond correctly. God always gives us a way out.
5/16/2007 03:41:00 PMFollow the Leader
5/11/2007 11:35:00 AMOften, during times of confusion, strife, anger and turmoil, many feeling and actions are displayed. This is a normal, and often, healthy form of dealing with radical change in our lives. As a town, we have gone through a time of turmoil in the last few weeks. We have been thrown into the headlines of many news organizations, we have lost some of our innocence, and we have had an opportunity to come together as a family and community.
The unfortunate part is we have not used this opportunity for good. Instead of really coming together with support for the families involved and for the leadership of the school, we have torn both down. The gossip mill that has its ugly talons sunk deep into this community has once again dictated us. We have gone with the story that best tickles our ears, sounds the juiciest, or that would cause the most harm to someone that we may not personally like.
Often times the truth may not sound as exciting as gossip, but it will never cause the damage that lies do. To make personal attacks and come up with out and out lies against the leadership of the school during a time like this is shameful. These are not the lessons we need to be teaching our youth. They need to see how to trust people, how to support people, and how to deal with conflict in an appropriate manner.
In any form of leadership, whether it is being a parent or a school administrator, we are given knowledge and information that we know is either not appropriate to share with those we are leading or at least should not be shared at that exact moment. We are faced with the decision of discussing all the issues right away, or using judgment to wait until an appropriate time. The leadership of the school used good judgment by using the TRUTH that was known and deciding to not publicly share those facts until an appropriate time. When we look just at the facts that were known at the time, and these are still the same facts now, school leadership did what was right according to policy. They advised the proper authorities, handled discipline in an appropriate manner and gave the correct amount of information at the correct time to the public.
This all comes down to one basic concept so horribly lost in today’s culture…TRUST. We have lied to ourselves for too long saying that we can’t trust anyone but ourselves, especially any leadership. I’m not advocating blind trust or leadership without accountability. I am saying, however, we need to trust that the leadership of our school has, and will continue to, do what is right. It is also important to note, that it is always easier to do a job well when you have the support of those you are leading.
Now blogging...mr eldon sir!
5/09/2007 11:49:00 AM