Anyone ever said to you, 'you are dumber than a post.' Of course, we haven't said that our self. You know what, I think posts aren't all that dumb. Think about it, whether it is a light post, fence post or sign post they aren't that dumb. They have been given a task to do, and they do it. Very well I might add. They don't strive to be something they aren't. They don't push and shove and put each other down just so they can look good. No, they do the job they have been given to do. They don't want to be something else and they don't whine because they aren't doing something important. They do the job they were made to do. Yeah, it may not be a glamorous job, but I'm glad they do it. I'm glad that dumb old post is holding up the stop sign when my family is driving up to an intersection. I'm glad that the light post is doing the mundane of holding a light so that I can see better in the dark. And my daughter is glad that the fence post that helps hold back her horse, didn't take off to do a job where more people would notice it. I find it amazing how we can learn so much from a dumb post.
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