torch bearer
bringing the light of Jesus to a dark world John 8:12

Going to India

As many of you know, Jesus has commissioned His followers with a very serious task, one that should not be taken lightly and one that takes effort. Jesus told His disciples just before He left earth to go and make disciples of all peoples, teaching them His ways and baptizing them. He then a little later said how His disciples would be able to do this seemingly overwhelming task. In Acts chapter 1, Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will come upon them and they will have power to be His witnesses’ in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the rest of the world. What is great is that same power of the Holy Spirit is available for us today, just as it was available for those followers a couple thousand years ago! That power comes for us to share the hope and healing of Jesus Christ with a world that doesn’t follow Him. The principle of this statement is to start at home and move out from there. God has given me the great opportunity to do that very thing. I have, and continue to do so, share Jesus with my family daily. I have been able to share the hope of Jesus with the town of Northport and surrounding area. In the last 3 years I have had chances to share Jesus with my fellow Americans in several different churches and many different states. Now I have a great opportunity to take His love to even further places…the rest of the world.

From January 30th through February 12th, 2008, I am going to be going to Southern India on a mission trip. I and 3 other members of the Xtreme Team are going with Luis Palau and the Next Generation Alliance. We will be participating in outreaches and community work each day. The Next Generation Alliance has been to this area of India many times in the past, so they know the area, the people and the culture. They have had tremendous success in sharing the gospel in the past and with no doubt, this time will be the same. As for the Xtreme Team, we have not been to India before, but have been to many other countries around the world and have a good working reputation with each church we have worked with.

This area of India desperately needs the hope and healing of Jesus Christ presented to them. One of the towns we are going to, Renipet, is one of the world’s most polluted cities. There is not much hope when everyone around you is sick and dying. Most of India, this area included, is made up primarily of the Hindu religion, and so need the presentation of the Truth.

As with any endeavor, missions related or not, it takes lots of prayer, planning and monies. At the end of my blog, you will find a prayer schedule that is laid out from now until the day we leave. Now, that doesn’t mean we want you to stop praying then! This schedule is just to help you to know how to pray for us before we go, but many of the topics will be very important to continue in prayer while we are gone. One of my biggest prayer needs during my preparation time, as well as when I’m gone, is my family. My wife and children will need the covering of the presence of God when I’m gone - spiritually, physically and emotionally. So, will you please make a commitment to pray for me, my family and our team during this time?

The next area that I need help with is the finances. This trip will cost each team member approximately $3000. I have had chances in my past to help out in the contributing to other people’s mission trips. I usually just want to go with them, but realize that I can’t. So instead, I have been able to give financially. I can tell you that it is a terrific blessing to help someone go and walk in obedience to the Word of God. I have helped people all around the world hear about Jesus, without actually going. So, I would ask that you would prayerfully consider a financial gift to help me in my chance to “be My witness to the ends of the earth.”

At the bottom of this letter you will find two addresses. You can send your financial support to either one. The one address is mine, and the other is the leader of the Xtreme Team, Rick Willison. Just make the checks payable to Team Jesus Ministries and have it marked for Eldon’s India trip. You will also notice some other information: emails, websites and phone numbers. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us so we can answer them.

I wanted to close with a piece of scripture from Ephesians 6:19,20. The apostle Paul says, “Pray also for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel. Pray that I might be bold enough in Him to speak as I should.” So, would you please pray this for me and the team as we are able to be His witnesses in India?

Pastor Eldon Kelley Rick Willison
PO Box 415 T.E.A.M. Jesus Ministries, Inc.
Northport, WA 99157 1523 Scarlett Drive
509-675-6533 Anderson, IN 46013 765-610-6600 Website:

Luis Palau’s Next Generation Alliance website:

(Search for Rick Willison under member evangelists)

Prayer Calendar

Dec 22 - Financial needs for each team member to go - $3000 each

Dec 23 - Peace for my wife as I prepare to serve.

Dec 24 - Peace for my kids as I prepare to serve.

Dec 25 - For those God is preparing to hear the Gospel Message in India.

Dec 26 - For my personal walk with Jesus to strengthen.

Dec 27 - For my strength and endurance.

Dec 28 - Brad Butcher and his family as they prepare our way.

Dec 29 - For Michael Gray as he prepares to lead the way in India.

Dec 30 - For Don Johnson as he prepares for his festival in India.

Dec 31 - For our pilots, co-pilots, flight attendants.

Jan 1 - For God to keep me on our toes to share the Gospel with all those we meet.

Jan 2 - The people on the outskirts of the cities we will be in can find a way to make it.

Jan 3 - For clarity in the message.

Jan 4 - For my personal preparation - Am I ready to give the reason for my hope?

Jan 5 - For us to be fearless as we step into the playground of the devil.

Jan 6 - For the Gospel to break through the ways of the Hindu religion.

Jan 7 - For the Pastors of Renipet.

Jan 8 - For our safety as we fly.

Jan 9 - For our safety as we are driven throughout India.

Jan 10 - For our message to reach millions of ears. (Happy B-Day T-Dawg).

Jan 11 - For all the people who are preparing for us to come.

Jan 12 - For favor with all those we deal with in India.

Jan 13 - For wisdom as we enter into the country of India.

Jan 14 - For health while I prepare to go.

Jan 15 - For health while I am in India.

Jan 16 - For safety for my family while I am in India.

Jan 17 - For everything to go well at home and the church while I am in India.

Jan 18 - For my strength to be at it's peak while I am in India.

Jan 19 - For all the team's bags, boxes, and etc. to get through customs in India.

Jan 20 - For God to protect my stomach while I am in India.

Jan 21 - For my personal finances as we prepare to be gone for 3 weeks.

Jan 22 - For blessings to be showered on us as we show the love of Jesus to India.

Jan 23 - For all our things to be safe (not stolen) while I am in India.

Jan 24 - For enough space to be comfortable as we fly (we're big guys).

Jan 25 - For our finances - that we would be thankful for all that God has given us to go.

Jan 26 - For my wife. She is preparing to be without me for 3 weeks with six kids! Bless her.

Jan 27 - For my children. They are preparing to be without me for 3 weeks.

Jan 28 - For God to remind me of what I need to bring so I don't forget anything!

Jan 29 - For God to put His hand on all my transportation and keep me safe.

Jan 30 - For boldness as I leave and travel.

Jan 31 - For the officials of India to be open to the gospel, and not persecute us as we minister.

Please don't stop praying for me, my family, our team, and the people of India!

I'll be praying every day as per the schedule - and of course I'll continue to always pray for you guys! I am so proud of you for becoming what God intends for you to be and doing what He's called you to do.

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Asotin, WA, United States
Follower of Jesus, husband, dad, and called to be His torch bearer to the world.

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