I'm Home
1/02/2012 11:32:00 AMWe were gone for a few days after Christmas. Headed to the wet side of Washington to see family and just to get away for a bit. In order to do that, we had to leave our beloved LC Valley behind; the beauty of the Snake River, the sun, the rugged rocks carved by water, and just the awesome people. We did have a wonderful time seeing our parents, siblings, cousins and grandparents. It's always good to spend time with them. But it is always good to head home too.
Before I go on, I must tell you about one factory here in the valley that helps make us very distinct. Those who grew up around Everett or Tacoma will know what I am talking about. In fact, growing up, I lovingly refered to it as the "aroma of Tacoma". Here, Lewiston is commonly called "Pewiston". That's right, we have a pulp and paper mill. But we love it! It's a huge employer and they are a very community oriented company. No matter how thankful we are for this company, it still has a very distinct odor. My kids say it smells like the valley is filled with broccoli. The funny thing is, you don't notice it after a while. It just is there and a part of life.
So, back to coming home.
As we dropped down the long 7% grade into the LC Valley we caught a wiff of the mill. Wow, had I forgotten what that smelled like! It had been a few days and my nose had completely cleared itself of the smell. But the funny thing is, everyone in my family excitedly said at the same time..."We are home!" The smell told us we were home.
It made me think of the times that I have strayed from the presence of God. How I had left and then decided to come back. I have, at times, almost forgotten what it was like to be in His presence. To have the aroma of God penetrate every part of me. (I'm glad his presence doesn't remind me of cooked broccoli, just saying). But evertime I have chosen to come back "home", I have been greeted with that distinctive aroma of God's presence. And everytime I tell myself..."I am home!"
I challenge you this year, if you are not at home with God right now, head home. Go toward that smell and presence of God. Most likely you know the road to take, most likely you know it well. Find your way back home. There is a great sense of relief when you can say..."I am home!"
Freedom in the Open Gate
12/05/2011 08:22:00 AMNo one likes to feel trapped. No one likes the feeling of being stuck and therefore controlled. Whether we are talking about being physically restrained, religion, or lifes circumstances.
In Jujitsu we are taught to go toward the open gate. Go toward the way of freedom. For example, if someone grabs your wrist with thier hand, you would move your wrist toward the open gate; the open space between their fingers and thumb. As you do this you are gaining freedom from thier grip. This move toward the open gate is true for all levels of this martial art. Whether your opponent has your wrist, arm, neck or whole body.
I remember having to use this when being held by Sensai Brian. The man was not tall, but strong like an ox. It was black belt (him) verses no belt (me). I figured that this little open gate move would only really work when I was evenly matched with someone of my limited ability. So this bear of a man grabs me and by instinct I moved toward the open gate, the place where there was freedom from this mans grip. I moved, as I had been taught, and in the next instance I actually had freedom! Freedom from an opponent who I was certain would be able to hold me no matter what I tried.
I know there are many who feel trapped today. You feel that grip becoming tighter and stronger. Maybe that grip is finances, a bad relationship, guilt and shame from past desicisions, or emotional trauma. Maybe you are feeling the grip of sin in your life and have tried to find the opening, the release from it, but have chosen false religions, alcohol, sex or other destructive means in which to find a release. Trust me, I know the allure of each of these false gates. However, I also know the end game of each of these...the feeling of being even more trapped. In fact, it's not just a feeling, you really are trapped even more.
But here is the truth. This tightening grip can be released from you once and for all. There is peace and freedom to be found even in this life. There is a way to freedom that will work, I guarentee it. This open gate is spoken of by Jesus in John 10:9-10. This is what he says:
"I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
You and I have a way to freedom, here on earth as well as eternity, through the open gate of following and trusting Jesus Christ.
How do you need to be set free today?
Jesus and Java
11/30/2011 07:47:00 AMLittle boys love to tear things apart just to see how they work. Some of them even grow into a place where they put them back together too. Well, I have the tearing them apart side down really well. That's why I have surrounded myself with guys who know how to put it all back together.
One of the thing that I love to do, is to take a Bible verse or 2 and really break them down. I don't mean pulling out the Greek manuscripts and finding the word meanings (although there is nothing wrong with that). My brain works on a much simpler plane. I just use everyday words that are easy for me to grasp. I pull it apart into usable pieces for me. I do have to put it all back together so it is functionable in my life.
I wanted to let you in on a peak of what I mean. So, welcome to my kitchen table. Grab your Bible. Here is a cup of coffee. (I know its strong, but that's the way I like it). I call this time of my day, Jesus and Java.
Revelation 7:10 ESV, and crying out with a loud voice, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"
Crying out in a loud voice = none of this wimpy worship of God! I must be vocal and heard in my proclaiming of He is.
Salvation = being rescued, saved, pulled from, taken care of, loved enough for it to happen (in this case salvation from death - physical, spiritual, emotional)
To our = personal
God = the creator
Sits on the throne = seated in a place of authority, honor. Someone who has been given power and deserves recognition and honor.
To the Lamb = Jesus! perfect, my sacrifice, the one who brought salvation to the earth, Emmanuel (God with us).
Well, there we go. Something to digest. Something to apply. Something to ponder.
Let me know some of your thoughts on this. What jumped out at you? What was meaningful? How are you going to apply this to your life?
Feel free to stick around for another cup of coffee too.
Unlikely people doing extreme things for God
10/30/2011 04:23:00 PMHere we can see 4 things about Amos that put him in a place to be used by God. 4 things we can apply as well.
1) He saw (1:1) - he had eyes to see what God was saying
2) He allowed the Lord to move him (7:15)
3) He responded in obedience to Gods calling (7:15)
4) He was available - the best ability is availabilityc
Click here for download link
Teaching from Sunday October 16, 2011 - Perseverance - Joel 2:28-32
10/24/2011 12:01:00 AMHere is the teaching from the 16th. I pray you are blessed and challenged as the Word of God is spoken. If you have any questions or comments I would love to chat. Click here to go to the link.
October 23, 2011 Teaching - God Restores Joel 3
10/23/2011 11:24:00 PMFacebook and changes
9/21/2011 12:41:00 PM
Our collective American blood pressure has risen today to a new all time high. More so than trying to watch the Seahawks actually win a game. Facebook status updates have been abuzz about the new changes, and most of those updates have been on the hater side of things. There is even picket signs going up on peoples walls and threats to just quit Facebook altogether. There has been a slew of comments on each of those updates, each building on the last and working the masses into a frenzy. Mr. Zuckerberg, lock your doors and double the guards. You have pissed off the American people!
Now really people. Most of you are adults (or so your lied about age says so) that are making these hater updates. That's because the kids are still in school and haven't noticed yet. I would dare say let's act like adults about this! This is only Facebook after all, not real life! Now, don't get me wrong, I love Facebook as much as the next person. I use it for all kinds of reasons, from ministry to spying, from new friends to old. But I am not about to get all tensed up over the changes. I realize in my short adult years that there is more to raise my blood pressure over. Like real problems. Like real change.
Did you know that the national poverty level has risen around 10% over the last 10 years? Did you know that several million people, just in the USA, don't have an active relationship with Jesus Christ? Did you know that there are kids in Kenya (and other places, I just love Kenya) that die by the thousands EVERYDAY just because they don't have the simple necessity of clean drinking water? Did you know that in your very town/city there are people who don't know what true love is? When was the last time you shared Jesus with someone? Do you know your neighbors? I could go on, but I'll stop with the "did you knows".
My point is this, we have so much to be about in life, and especially if you are a Follower of Jesus, that these Facebook changes should roll off us and really matter very little. If we are this upset about these changes, no wonder there is Church division and family fights when needed change happens.
Change, for the sake of change is not always best, agreed. However, the changes that we have noticed on Facebook today don't really count as life change. They don't constitute getting mad and venting. If you need to get made about something and want to help advocate change, look toward politics. Look toward local town issues. Look toward human life issues (abortion, health care, elderly care, etc.). Look toward your neighbors well-being. Look toward the little kid who needs a coat or help with school work. Look, and please don't forget this one, toward your own family. These are changes we should rally toward.
Please use your passion, and even anger, for the things that really matter in life. For the changes of life that matter. The change from the old self to the new self. Get passionately angry about sin and the destruction it causes on a daily basis. Use your anger and frustration wisely!
By the way, personally, I like the changes.
9/11/2011 12:58:00 AMThey lived out the very words of the Fireman’s Prayer:
When I am called to duty, God
whenever flames may rage,
Give me the strength to save some life
Whatever be its age.
Help me to embrace a little child
Before it's too late,
Or some older person
from the horror of that fate.
And hear the weakest shout,
And quickly and efficiently
to put the fire out.
I want to fill my calling
and give the best in me,
To guard my neighbor
And protect his property.
And if according to Your will
I have to lose my life,
Please bless with Your protecting hand
My children and my wife
Furthering your Education
8/31/2011 09:01:00 AM
School's back in session!
Thunder on the Snake River
8/29/2011 12:10:00 PM
One of my favorite things I get to do as a pastor is water baptism. Man, it doesn't get any better than seeing people who have made a commitment to Jesus in their heart take a bold step and publicly profess Jesus.