As we looked at Ephesians 3:8-13 on Sunday, we had a great group discussion. So much wisdom was presented and God was really working on our lives.
We were given two questions to talk about around our tables. "How does the church reveal Jesus? and How do I reveal Jesus?"
There was a lot said about how the church is revealing Jesus and much about how it isn't. Agreed, there is work to be done in how the church reveals Jesus, but I believe that all hope is not lost. We can become the church that Jesus envisioned when He created us. There were many practical ways given that we can be the church and reveal Jesus to the world. Giving of our time, loving people like no one else can, taking care of our neighbors and actually speaking the name of Jesus not just living the life.
But there was one answer that I really thought summed it up. It was said that the answer of the first question is truly answered by the second. As a whole, we will be ineffective if we are not individually revealing Jesus. It has to start with me and you as a person before we can expect to come together as a whole and really reveal Jesus to the world.
I want to hear your thoughts. Throw them in the comment section below.
How can the church reveal Jesus if the individual is not willing to reveal Jesus?
How can YOU reveal Jesus to the world?
How was Jesus revealed to you?
February 9, 2011 at 9:32 PM
I do believe that the Church reveals Christ corporately as a fruit of us revealing him individually. I personally hold that Micah 6:8 is a pretty good benchmark for how it is that we should be revealing Jesus.
Do Justly; in our own lives and the other spheres, both when we are under authority, but particularly when we are in authority. It is incumbent upon us to show the just nature of
God and His ways.
Love Mercy; As part of seeking justice for those in our spheres of influence and under our care, we carry a heart of love and mercy, which desires to see reconciliation, ultimately with Jesus. We hold the truth in love with all those around us.
Walk Humbly; We don't treat others as less then ourselves, both in deed and in word,for we have all fallen short of the glory of God.
In these things I believe we do reveal Christ.
February 14, 2011 at 10:55 PM
A 'church' or individual unwilling to reveal Jesus is not a Church or regenerate person.
- "For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels."
I wish I knew I how to better reveal Jesus. God knows it is my heart's desire to do so. But I am so deeply ashamed of how horribly I have failed to do so.
How was Jesus revealed to me? Now that really makes me think. Wow, the answer is so potentially lengthy I do not wish to weary anyone. Short answer:
1. Through the example and sanctification of my parents, Don and Vera Davis.
2. Through the historical truth of Christ and Christendom as taught to me by godly and educated men, primary among whom are James Goggan, C.S. Lewis, and Josh McDowell.
3. Through the sincere love and PATIENCE and generosity of true disciples, too many to mention. May God bless them and their families seven times over all.
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