God's greatness
2/21/2011 09:23:00 AMI had the privilege to hear Pastor Brent Kimball rock the Word if God yesterday at Inspire Church of the Skagit Valley. He spoke in the greatness of God. Like he said starting out...where do you start, where do you go from there, and how do you ever end when talking about the greatness if God. Psalms 145:3 says that His greatness no one can fathom. So this is a big topic.
Pastor Brent used space as such an awesome illustration of God's vast greatness. How we know so little about so much. The fact of the enormity of space and that God spoke it into existence. God's greatness!
It struck me, and sadly I may not be the only one this is true of, that I can totally believe God spoke all if that into existence and yet fail to trust Him for the everyday stuff in my life.
I realized yesterday that I have fallen into the horrible trap of thinking that God is just a distant God. Still all powerful and full of greatness, but just not for my needs.
I have repented of that sin.
So I see again today that "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable." Even in the smallness of my life and its decisions.
Where do you need to grasp His greatness in your life?
Strange Obedience
2/09/2011 08:25:00 AMThe revealing of Jesus
2/08/2011 11:02:00 AM
As we looked at Ephesians 3:8-13 on Sunday, we had a great group discussion. So much wisdom was presented and God was really working on our lives.
We were given two questions to talk about around our tables. "How does the church reveal Jesus? and How do I reveal Jesus?"
There was a lot said about how the church is revealing Jesus and much about how it isn't. Agreed, there is work to be done in how the church reveals Jesus, but I believe that all hope is not lost. We can become the church that Jesus envisioned when He created us. There were many practical ways given that we can be the church and reveal Jesus to the world. Giving of our time, loving people like no one else can, taking care of our neighbors and actually speaking the name of Jesus not just living the life.
But there was one answer that I really thought summed it up. It was said that the answer of the first question is truly answered by the second. As a whole, we will be ineffective if we are not individually revealing Jesus. It has to start with me and you as a person before we can expect to come together as a whole and really reveal Jesus to the world.
I want to hear your thoughts. Throw them in the comment section below.
How can the church reveal Jesus if the individual is not willing to reveal Jesus?
How can YOU reveal Jesus to the world?
How was Jesus revealed to you?