Well, here is my first posting. I always thought it would be too much work to do a blog, and then I started reading some of my families and friend's blogs and realized that they only post, oh say...occasionally at best. Then I knew that even a guy like me could do this. I hope is that on this blog I can post the thoughts that come into my head, and share them with those that read this. I often times will write something and email it to our church, but not everyone is on that list and now people can come here and check stuff out.
The reason for the name of the blog has a great story of God's hand in my life. Several years back, God spoke through a great friend of mine George Beers. He said that I would be a torch bearer. I have held on to this and believe it to be my mission in life. As time has gone on, God has continued to bring things of fire into my like. Like burning my face in Kansas, dreams of fire and just this passion to share the light of Jesus with a world who needs to see things more clearly. I have had the privalege of doing this in many ways both here in Northport as well as around the USA. This picture is one that weas taken in Othello by my mom during an Xtreme Team outreach. Yes. That is nails, a cinder block, and a man with a sledge hammer. Some times it takes xtreme things to reach an xtreme world.
Well, I hope that the Lord my God blesses you today as you serve Him, and if you haven't made the choice to do that....today is a good day to start on the best journey you will ever take.
May 9, 2007 at 1:04 PM
As I consider all that you do for the Lord, I am blessed to be called your friend....or at least you better call me your friend or next time we will put another perosn on top of you in the bed of nails and then a brick or two..Ha ha. Anyway, I agree! It does take X-Treme Men and women of God to reach this world of ours. I believe that the torch you bear will light up the world. Jesus said that he is the light! No one can hide a city on a hill nor do they light a lamp and put it under a barrel where no one can see th elight. Rather, they put it on a tall surface so that it lights the entire room. God is the lamp unto our path. I am with ya bro! Let's light the world on fire with the Good News of Jesus the Christ.
Hey, you can let BLOG stand for...Being the Light OF God!
have a great day and anyone else who reads this...remember that you were created with destiny and purpose! Therefore, do something great with your life for Jesus! You only get one life. Live it in a way to glorify God. I promise it will be the greatest thing you ever do. Tell people about Jesus! Save Lives!
In HIS Grip,
Rick Willison
May 9, 2007 at 7:07 PM
Hmm B.L.O.G. Being the light of god. Interesting statement I feel it is true. You are an excellent person and an even better pastor and I have found you to be a huge impact in my life. You guided me towards the light better then any other person I have known, I consider you family, and I am glad that you can post your feelings and let me in on whats happening during Mr. Eldon Sirs life. This way I can be reminded to pray for you.
I pray that you have an excellent time at Awana and on your trip the the xtreme thingy.
Believing in Him.
May 11, 2007 at 8:38 AM
I love the idea of a blog where you can share your thoughts and what God is teaching you, rather than just keeping a diary of daily life. I have considered starting a second blog that would be more reflective and thoughtful, but haven't done it yet. I'll keep checking back here, so you'd better update it every so often! Love you, little brother! Really, really proud to be your sister!
January 9, 2010 at 1:18 PM
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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