As I stood serving communion at the C3 Church in Hyderabad India on Sunday, I discovered something. First off, I always love it when God shows me something so profound through something so simple. It's His little way of talking to me...and it works.
So, as I was saying, I was standing up front with Rick and people were coming up to participate in a time of remembering what Jesus did for us. Rick had laid out a great teaching about communion and about Jesus' sacrifice for us, and now was the time for our response. As I was watching people come and take pieces of the bread (which was really good might I add) it struck me. The physical bread that we were eating was disappearing right in front of us. Obviously, as people took a small piece, the whole of the bread got smaller. Remembering the reason we take the a symbol of Jesus' body being broken for our healing...this struck me profoundly. In the spiritual, Jesus' body never runs out! We can take and receive His healing and what He did for us, and He never gets smaller, never runs out, never becomes less! Jesus is the same, a constant, a force that never changes. As much as we need of Him, He never just runs out. We don't have to look somewhere else for more answers or for more hope. He is all we need, and He never runs out!
Where are you right now in life? Are you searching for something more than Jesus? Is He not enough for you? Are you afraid that He will run out? That maybe, just maybe you have come to Him one too many times and His grace won't cover you this time? I understand. No, really I do. I struggle with that feeling myself sometimes. I can't fathom that He would still have more to give me even though I have come to Him for so much already. It's hard sometimes to realize that He won't run out.
How will I work this out in my life? 2 ways. 1) I will allow the Holy Spirit to do His work. Without that power, it won't happen. I can't do it on my own. 2) I will set this up as a marker in my life. Just as God asked His people in the Old Testament to set up reminders of His power, I will use this as one for me. I will flash back to the time in India when I saw that bread, and remembered that my God will never run out! In fact, as I am writing this, I am reminded of other times when this very lesson has been proved out.
Walk with me in this truth, will you? I am going to really focus and come to an understanding in my life that He is all I need and that He won't run out. The writer of Hebrews says in chapter 13 verse 8, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is all I need. He will never run out.
10 Ways I Attempt to Be a Leader of Leaders
I try to be a leader of leaders. I love, welcome and appreciate followers,
but as much as possible I want to lead people who are going to lead. I’ve...
8 months ago
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