I admit, I'm tired! It's been a tough week of trying to beat the jet lag. Yesterday was the first day that we all felt like we beat it. Of course then last night the bad dreams persisted and the sleep wasn't great. But I'm not complaining because this is worth it. Seeing the delight of these kids as you play football (soccer for you Americans!) with them when all they have is a plastic bag wrapped up with rope...worth the tiredness. Seeing those who have known no hope for their entire life find hope in Jesus for the first time...worth the tiredness. When you get to worship God with a church body who is really getting into the music (Angie, I took video for you!) and I have no idea what they are saying, but we are worshipping the same God...worth the tiredness. Have kids come up to you at the market place or at the restaurant and say hi because they saw us at their school...worth the tiredness. Getting to preach for the first time in a different country even though I only had 1/2 hour notice...worth the tiredness. Getting to enjoy chai and biscuts with the church body after an outreach...worth the tiredness. Walking into a shack that is a bar, telling people about my Jesus, getting to pray for a man there who wanted prayer and feeling the demonic presence in the place...worth the tiredness. Why is it worth it? Because it's not about me. It's about HIM! If I was doing this for myself it would be easy to be discouraged or just want to sit and rest for awhile, but it is about HIM being given the glory and honor. It is about people seeing the face of Jesus for the first time in their life. Even if for a brief moment. I challenge you, if you are tired for the right reason, keep going. Don't quit. You don't know when the next person you share Jesus with will be the life changing moment they have been searching for.
Tomorrow, Monday, we are off to do a school assembly at W. Nairobi School and then out to Imara Daima for the next two days. This is a "suburb" (if you would call it that) of Nairobi. We are doing 2 open air outreaches each day. Please be in prayer as this is a very poor area and as we drove through there the other night (we were totally lost and our poor driver was about to quit on us I think) I could sense the hopelessness that is there. I trust that the power of Jesus will break many strong holds in this place in the next few days.
Well, tiredness is setting in, and the very comfy bed is calling. Love all of you. Miss you my wonderful family and friends. Thanks for your support in sending me to Africa. The churches here send their blessings to you back home. I can't wait to share my experiences when I get home. I also want to be able to bring some of you with me the next time I go. There is so much need and many of you have so much to offer over here.
10 Ways I Attempt to Be a Leader of Leaders
I try to be a leader of leaders. I love, welcome and appreciate followers,
but as much as possible I want to lead people who are going to lead. I’ve...
8 months ago
September 6, 2009 at 4:23 PM
Thanks for the update Eldon. I am praying for you guys continually. I know that Fod is going to and is using you in a mighty way to reach the lost in Kenya. I can't wait until I am able to go and be blessed by the people there. Tell Tim, Rick and Gary (and you) that I love them. Pamela Willison
September 6, 2009 at 8:16 PM
Thanks for the update. I know you've tried calling, but it seems like we keep missing or getting bad connections. I love you and I'm really proud of you. I'll read your next post to the church on Sunday, so do another one before that, please.
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